Pink Fire Pointer A Personal Upgrade for 2012

A Personal Upgrade for 2012

                          We upgrade our phones, our computers, our hotel rooms or seats on an airplane, but when's the last time you upgraded you? If you think it's time for better, stronger, faster (remember Steve and Jamie---the bionic man and woman?) version of yourself you could do that for 2012 with an upgrade.

Whether you want to reinvent yourself or just put a few shiny new touches on an already well-functioning unit, it's never a bad idea to assess where you are and where you can go in life.

Upgrade your technology. OK, we've mentioned this, but if up to now you have refused to get a cell phone, email address or even the internet (with a current browser) and want to continue to develop yourself in your career, it's time. The tablet/pad technology is awesome, you probably should claim your name as a domain (you never know, you might be famous someday!). Well managed, you can live with the virtual world without virtually living.

Upgrade your look. This doesn't have to be about spending a lot of money. Check out the hairstyles or eye wear of your colleagues around you. If you haven't had a professional hair cut or style consult for a while, this year might be the time. Fashions change every season, but good quality staples will always work. Clothing that is out- of-date, ill fitting, or in poor repair will reflect on your professionalism and in some jobs can affect promote-ability. Let the professionals at a local men or women's clothing store give you some advice or bring a trusted friend into your closet for a purge. While you're at it, throw in some healthy measures (weight management, exercise, skin care). Healthy is always in style.

Upgrade your environment: This doesn't mean buying a bigger house, but simply caring for the environment in which you live. Look around you. Is your desk, your building, your town and your world clean and safe? Do you ignore litter? Do you allow your possessions to remain unused and fall into disrepair? Do you over-purchase food and goods, only to end up discarding or storing it? Are the areas you live and work safe for everyone in your life? It bears repeating: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Repair!

Upgrade your likeability. If you even slightly suspect you have some room to improve your likeability, then spend your year working on a few simple concepts. Make sure you know your manners. Manners are the road map and foundation of social success. Find a good current book on manners for a reference or study someone whose skills you admire. Remember, people like people who like them. Try to find something wonderful about everyone. Do really nice things for people and try to understand why they are like they are (as hard as that might be). Avoid gossip, be pleasant, be helpful, be nice, be kind and all those other things they put in the Boy and Girl Scout Laws. Be forgiving. Try to be a little nicer each day and you'll be super-likeable by the end of the year.

Upgrade your influence and reach: If you love the work you do and believe you help others by doing it, then spend 2012 increasing your ability to influence and reach others with your message. You can do that by teaching, promoting, mentoring, helping, nurturing and sharing your ideas and skills with others. So many people could be in need of what you have to offer; don't keep it all to yourself. Share your talents and resources this year.